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Registered Agent Service

The law requires every entity doing business in South Dakota have a registered agent to receive service of process. Service of process means receiving legal documents, often obligating you to respond within a certain period of time. Our basic registered agent service means we agree to receive legal service of process on your company's behalf, and we notify you immediately. 

Annual Report Service

Business entities registered with the South Dakota Secretary of State are required to file an annual report, verifying whether certain company information has changed or whether it has stayed the same. With your authorization, we can file the report for you, allowing you to manage your business. 

Annual Meeting Service

It is recommended that companies doing business in South Dakota hold an annual meeting to review and ratify the company's actions during the previous year, vote on members, directors, and officers, review financials, and approve certain activity in the coming year. We can coordinate these meetings for our clients, record attendance and proxies, and publish the meeting minutes, notices and waivers. 

Corporate Records Service

A company's actions, decisions and ownership are often recorded in a corporate records book or binder. These records must be precisely maintained to ensure accuracy. We have experience maintaining these records for our clients. 

Call Today & Discover What We Can Accomplish Together

(605) 554-1661

Copyright © 2023 Pilcher Law Firm, Prof. L.L.C.

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